Who We Are

-About Us-

CIAN Truth Ministries™ is a ministry focused on ministering both physically and spiritually to those in need and provide free online sources for Bible Study and Resources for non-Jewish and Jewish Believers in Y’shua HaMashiach.

Our goal is to provide believers a complete biblical perspective from a Hebraic Heritage perspective.

We honor Israel as HaShem’s (G-d’s) chosen people and land, we also honor both The TaNaKh and Brit Chadashah (Old & New Testaments) of what is communally called the canonized Bible as truth and infallible.

We believe that the full canonized scriptures (The Bible) is G-d’s Word to all humankind, and so we study it in-depth, verse by verse, and in the context of the Hebrew culture in which it was written. We add the historical background were needed, geography, original language for a better understanding, and other multi-dimensional elements to provide a Tov (complete) learning experience.



-The Long Family-


In late 2017, Y’shua started pressing on our hearts to reach out to the homeless. We started out by going to the homeless communities to serve hot meals out of our vehicle. We were able to give hot meals and the gospel to so many. Over the years, we felt the calling to expand our outreach to include widows, orphans, unborn, and single mothers. This calling grew into establishing CIAN Truth Ministries™ in the summer of 2019.