CTM Video Library

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  • Couple Minutes™, Stay The Course

    Couple Minutes™, Stay The Course

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss how we tend to apply a Western mindset to our concept of time and if not corrected, often leads us to become unwarrantedly discouraged.

  • You Asked For It!

    You Asked For It!

    In this Vlog Ian addresses stewardship or more appropriate, a lapse of stewardship concerning the gift of discernment and how we have allowed the external world to influence our perspective of our spiritual walk.

    From all of us here at CIAN Truth Ministries™ we pray this encourages you as you’re living your life as a living sacrifice unto The Most High. Shalom.

  • On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 7, Tattoos, Not Just Skin Deep

    On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 7, Tattoos, Not Just Skin Deep

    This week, join “On These Two™” as Ian and Celeste discuss tattoos and the full implications that run much deeper than just skin. Exploring these ancient practices to modern expressions of self and uncovering the truth of its sinister origins and demonic purpose, we reveal how the needle pierces more than flesh and stains the soul.

  • CIAN Truth Ministries™ Reasoning Series, Y'shua's Passover

    CIAN Truth Ministries™ Reasoning Series, Y'shua's Passover

    With Passover just around the corner, what an amazing opportunity for believers to celebrate the first of HaShem’s feasts either for the first time or with greater insight into its beauty.

    The fact is, it’s all about Messiah Y’shua.

    A question often asked is, “did Messiah Y’shua keep The Passover prior to his crucifixion?”

    Some say yes, while others disagree. So today we will unpack the scriptures and allow them to settle the debate once and for all.

  • Couple Minutes™, It Starts With Us

    Couple Minutes™, It Starts With Us

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss how admitting our wrongs is not only key to healing, correcting, or moving on but is absolutely vital to our faith and our walk in Messiah Y’shua’s likeness.

  • The Five Tactics The Wolf Uses

    The Five Tactics The Wolf Uses

    In today’s CTM Vlog, Ian shares and unpacks the five tactics the wolf uses to gain a foothold in our fellowships.

    Equipped now with the understanding of their tactics, you can rest assured you will recognize them for what they are.

  • On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 6, Why So Many Denominations

    On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 6, Why So Many Denominations

    This week, join “On These Two™” as Ian and Celeste discuss why there are so many denominations. Once again, we dive deep into scripture to allow the scriptures to guide us along the way. One thing becomes abundantly clear, we have been given just one way, one truth, and one life to follow after.

  • Couple Minutes™, Perfectly In Time

    Couple Minutes™, Perfectly In Time

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss control and the reality of it being purely an illusion.

    Regardless how the world around us is unfolding, we hold to these truths. HaShem is absolutely in control and working all things accordingly to His will, plan, and good of those that love Him..

    So despite the urge to try to control how and when things happen, let us remember as followers of Messiah Y’shua, rest in Him knowing we are right where we are to be and perfectly in time.

  • Where Your Treasure Is

    Where Your Treasure Is

    In today’s Vlog, we discuss the cost of holding to Kingdom Principles and striving to represent our Messiah in a fallen world. We pray this edifies you as you’re holding to His Torah and living a life of obedience out of your love for HaShem and His son. Let us remember Matthew 6-21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”.

  • On These Two™; Season 2 Episode 5, The Rapture, Is It Biblical

    On These Two™; Season 2 Episode 5, The Rapture, Is It Biblical

    This week, join “On These Two™” as Ian and Celeste discuss the rapture and if it’s biblical. Once again, your preconceived understanding of the scriptures is shattered as On These Two walks you through Revelation 12 and revealing its past and future significance of the faith. Those once in the pre or mid tribulation camp will make their exodus into a place of understanding!

  • Couple Minutes™, In All Things

    Couple Minutes™, In All Things

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss how easy it is for fear and doubt to creep in during this current season and attempt to keep us from fulfilling our calling.

    The fact is, if we listen to these fears or doubts we are allowing ourselves to be convinced by an already defeated enemy. So let us stay focused on HaShem who has called us and with the faith of a child let us walk fearlessly and fully empowered by The Most High to complete our calling all to His glory..

  • CIAN Truth Ministries™ Update

    CIAN Truth Ministries™ Update

    In every season the rain will come, but you are faithful HaShem.

    It is you that works all things to the good of those that love you. It is you that keeps the fire from kindling upon us and the waters from overtaking us.

    In all seasons, we find ourselves or the things we endure. We trust in you and hold unto you, our Elohim, The Righteous Holy Eternal One.

  • On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 4, Salvation, Can You Lose It

    On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 4, Salvation, Can You Lose It

    This week, join “On These Two™” as Ian and Celeste discuss salvation and unpack the biblical understanding of “once saved always saved”, or “can one loose their salvation”. The answer is unsettling and will shattering ones inherited narrative of biblical salvation. Be prepared to ask yourself, is my salvation in keeping with YHVH’s definition of His salvation.

  • Couple Minutes™, When Going Through It

    Couple Minutes™, When Going Through It

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the principle of James 1:2 in light of the current season we find ourselves in. As this world experiences true climate change, let us remember the promise of Isaiah 43:2. HaShem is so gracious unto us, and worthy of all honor, glory, and praise. Let us remain faithful as a living sacrifice and embrace the suck.

  • You Will Know Them!

    You Will Know Them!

    Today’s vlog is a word of encouragement for those that are struggling to see growth in their calling and exposes the root cause of why you’re not producing in this season. So continue striving for Y’shua likeness while walking out your calling and be of good cheer, for our King Has overcome the world.

  • On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 3, Live And Let Live, Are We Our Brothers Keeper

    On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 3, Live And Let Live, Are We Our Brothers Keeper

    This week, join “On These Two” as Ian and Celeste discuss and unpack the biblical difference of who our spiritual brothers are and what showing brotherly love looks like. The real question in this live and let live world is are we our brothers keeper?

  • Couple Minutes™, Actions Speak Louder

    Couple Minutes™, Actions Speak Louder

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.

  • It's Up To You!

    It's Up To You!

    In Today’s vlog, we discuss choosing ones “hard”, what that looks like, and identifying the principles that allow us to gain momentum and ultimately achieve our goals. We pray this edifies you as you strive for a better you and moreover a better representative of our King.

  • On These Two™; Season 2- Episode 2, Exposing The Wolf Amongst Believers

    On These Two™; Season 2- Episode 2, Exposing The Wolf Amongst Believers

    This week, join “On These Two” as Ian and Celeste discuss why Exposing The Wolf Amongst Believers is so critical for believers to understand and walk out accordingly.

  • Couple Minutes™, Root Cause

    Couple Minutes™, Root Cause

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the root causes of arguments, strife, bitterness, resentment, and jealousy.

  • Because you care, don't care!

    Because you care, don't care!

    Today’s vlog addresses a common question that I am often asked. Hopefully, it edifies you along your creative walk.

  • On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 1, Jesus Savior Or Anti-Christ

    On These Two™; Season 2 - Episode 1, Jesus Savior Or Anti-Christ

    Welcome Back!!!!! This week, join “On These Two” as Ian and Celeste discuss the most controversial topic in the entire canonized scriptures, The Anti-Messiah and how, after reviewing the scriptures, we see the characteristics and the name of this anti-Messiah. Be prepared to shake off all preconceived notions as your paradigm will be flipped on its head.

  • Couple Minutes™, Letting Go

    Couple Minutes™, Letting Go

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss what true friendship and fellowship looks like when viewed through the biblical lens of our faith and the hard truths when there is rotten or no fruit at all.

  • Four Tactics, The Enemy Uses To Stop Your Calling!

    Four Tactics, The Enemy Uses To Stop Your Calling!

    Today’s Vlog is one for those experiencing a tremendous fight in following your call to serve the kingdom.

    I have seen the enemy use these four common attacks time and time again to rob HaShem’s people of their anointing and destroy their calling.

    Be of good cheer, for our King has overcome the world. Greater is he that is in you than that’s in the world.

  • On These Two™; Announcement!!!!! Big Changes & NDA

    On These Two™; Announcement!!!!! Big Changes & NDA

    This week join (On These Two) as they bring season one to a close and announce big changes all while upholding to there NDA! There is no doubt that YAH is on the move preparing us as an outpost and Sanctuary unto the Brethren. Prepare yourselves we just might be about to partake of the second Exodus!

  • Couple Minutes™, A Clean Slate

    Couple Minutes™, A Clean Slate

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.

  • On These Two™; Episode 15, Biblical Manhood, What Does It Mean?

    On These Two™; Episode 15, Biblical Manhood, What Does It Mean?

    This week join (On These Two) as we welcome back special guests Celeste Long and discuss the five foundational tenets of Biblical Manhood and what that really means. Hang up your preconceive notion‘s and get ready because this topic is unbelievably powerful.

  • Couple Minutes™, Like My Abba

    Couple Minutes™, Like My Abba

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the reality of one’s damaged parental relationship with their earthly Father and how it directly effects their perception of our Heavenly Father.

    From all of us here at CIAN Truth Ministries™, we pray you are encouraged as you live out the faith as a living sacrifice unto the Most High. Shalom.

  • On These Two™; Episode 14, Divorcing The World, Biblically Sound Marriages

    On These Two™; Episode 14, Divorcing The World, Biblically Sound Marriages

    This week join (On These Two) as they bid a warm farewell to Jeremiah. Then as they dive into what is a biblically sound marriage. Prepare to be amazed as Ian and his special guests, Celeste Long, reveal the bedrock of marriage in what is made absolutely clear as The Ten Commandments of Marriage.

  • Couple Minutes™, Tending To Life

    Couple Minutes™, Tending To Life

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the reality of the diversity in our families and the importance of always speaking life. From all of us here at CIAN Truth Ministries™, we pray you are encouraged as you live out the faith as a living sacrifice unto the Most High. Shalom.

  • On These Two™; Episode 13, Entertainment, Is It Re-Programming Our Faith?

    On These Two™; Episode 13, Entertainment, Is It Re-Programming Our Faith?

    This week join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss if entertainment is re-programming the faith. Join On These Two as they crack the code and back door the enemy’s plan.

  • Couple Minutes™, Staying Focused

    Couple Minutes™, Staying Focused

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss how competition is healthy when in proper perspective of our biblical walk after Messiah. From all of us here at CIAN Truth Ministries™, we pray you are encouraged as you live out the faith as a living sacrifice unto the Most High. Shalom.

  • On These Two™: Episode 12, Characteristics Of Pastors

    On These Two™: Episode 12, Characteristics Of Pastors

    This week, join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss the characteristics of pastors and expose the misconceptions of this calling. Join On These Two, as they reveal what scripture has to say about the subject and call out the hypocrites in sheep clothing!

  • Couple Minutes™; Dying To Self, And Growing Together

    Couple Minutes™; Dying To Self, And Growing Together

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss building a spiritual house and choosing the hard right over the easy left. It is a hard choice to die to self for the betterment of our families and our house. This absolutely is fundamental to establishing a house that can weather any storm

  • On These Two™; Episode 11, Yeshua, Peace or Division?

    On These Two™; Episode 11, Yeshua, Peace or Division?

    This week join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss if Y’shua brings peace or division as well as how this applies to the current season. Join On These Two as they unpack scripture and edify true believers while we await The King’s return.

  • Couple Minutes™, Choosing A Biblically Clean Lifestyle

    Couple Minutes™, Choosing A Biblically Clean Lifestyle

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss how choosing clean over unclean is a fundamental principle of the faith and the benefits outweigh any preconceived difficulties.

    From all of us here at CIAN Truth Ministries™, we pray you are encouraged as you live out the faith as a living sacrifice unto the Most High. Shalom.

  • On These Two™; Episode 10, Who Is Israel?

    On These Two™; Episode 10, Who Is Israel?

    This week join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss who Israel is and unpack the biblical truth of the two house theology. Regardless of your preconceived notions, today you will understand who you are and embrace Grace and Torah as you finally come home to the Father.

  • Couple Minutes™, It Is For My Good. 'Gam zu l'tovah. גם זו לטובה"

    Couple Minutes™, It Is For My Good. 'Gam zu l'tovah. גם זו לטובה"

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the seasonal changes encountered as we grow in the faith all while finding comfort in knowing that it is all for our good.

  • On These Two™; Episode 9, Baptism, is it Needed?

    On These Two™; Episode 9, Baptism, is it Needed?

    This week join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss the biblical importance of Baptism and if it is even needed. As deep calls to deep, you too have been called to a greater role. Baptized into our High Priest Yeshua, we are called to be a priestly people, a Holy nation. Join On These Two as they seek the Father’s will and walk in the likeness of Y’shua.

  • Couple Minutes™; Managing Faith, Family And Calling

    Couple Minutes™; Managing Faith, Family And Calling

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the importance of respecting each others time and the responsibilities associated with managing faith; family and one’s callings. Everything falls in to place when we value what YAH has given

  • On These Two™; Episode 8, Do Christian Keep Torah?

    On These Two™; Episode 8, Do Christian Keep Torah?

    This week, join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss if Christians Keep Torah and clarify common misconceptions that lead to meany resting to their own demise. There has never been a greater time for truth, join On These Two as they embrace the father’s will and follow after Yeshua, professing the truth that non should be lost.

  • Couple Minutes™, Learning To Lead And Not Drag

    Couple Minutes™, Learning To Lead And Not Drag

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the the importance of leading, and what that looks like from a biblical perspective.

  • On These Two™; Episode 7, The Five Fold Ministry, Is It Biblical?

    On These Two™; Episode 7, The Five Fold Ministry, Is It Biblical?

    This week, join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss the five fold ministry and unpack its meaning by rightly dividing the word of truth. Fully aware of the season, join On These Two as they edify the body of Christ unto service to the King.

  • Couple Minutes™, Aging With Wisdom

    Couple Minutes™, Aging With Wisdom

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the reality of getting older and the importance of understanding compassion while maintaining their biblical walk.

  • On These Two™; Episode 6, Did YHWH Create Evil? And If So, Why?

    On These Two™; Episode 6, Did YHWH Create Evil? And If So, Why?

    This week, join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss if HaShem creates evil and how it plays a role in the our spiritual development. From precognitive discernment of the C-19 virus to refinement of one’s spiritual man, brace yourself for a quickening of the Saints

  • Couple Minutes™, Getting To Know Your Spouse

    Couple Minutes™, Getting To Know Your Spouse

    This week, Ian and Celeste discuss the reality of getting to know one's spouse during the current climate, and the numerous challenges associated with it.

    From all of us here at CIAN Truth Ministries™, we pray you are encouraged as you live out the faith as a living sacrifice unto the Most High. Shalom.

  • On These Two™; Episode 5, Why Not The Feast Day's?

    On These Two™; Episode 5, Why Not The Feast Day's?

    This week, join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss the feasts of HaShem and reveal the prophetic timing and meaning ascribed to them. Though prerecorded on 02-14-20, the timing of world events and the feasts playing out could have only been orchestrated by the hand of The Sovereign King! There's only one thing left to do; ready yourselves. The King is coming! Shalom.

  • COUPLE MINUTES™, Becoming Ehchahd

    COUPLE MINUTES™, Becoming Ehchahd

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.

  • On These Two™; Episode 4, Occultism in the Church, is it a current day issue?

    On These Two™; Episode 4, Occultism in the Church, is it a current day issue?

    This week join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss occultism in the church and how the enemy has gained access. From angel cards to yoga, they identify these demons and they're schemes to mislead the children of YAH. Put on the full armor of YHVH, it’s go time!

  • On These Two™; Episode 3, Are Miraculous Spiritual Gifts for Today?

    On These Two™; Episode 3, Are Miraculous Spiritual Gifts for Today?

    This week join Jeremiah and Ian as they discuss if miraculous spiritual gifts are for today. Silhouetted against the backdrop of the global spread of COVID-19. You will absolutely see the sovereign hand of The Most High as these two unpack His truths, and find Shalom in HaShem’s will.

  • On These Two™; Episode 2, The Law, how was it fulfilled?

    On These Two™; Episode 2, The Law, how was it fulfilled?

    In this weeks podcast, Jeremiah and Ian discuss the law and how most misunderstand if and how the Law still applies today. The expectation of a follower of Yeshua has never been more clear. So Brace yourself, this one will leave you limping.

  • On These Two™; Episode 1, Statement Of Faith.

    On These Two™; Episode 1, Statement Of Faith.

    This week join Jeremiah and Ian as they lay the foundation of the show by discussing their Statement of Faith, firmly rooted in the Scriptures. Get ready, because these two pull no punches in bringing truth.