Sow it forward

HaShem (The Father) has loved the people of the world by giving His Mashiach and Son for their sins. The Son (Y’shua) loves The Father and desired salvation for the people of the world and gave His life freely for all that will believe upon His redemptive work and return (teshuvah) back to The Father’s ways (Torah). 

Those who follow and love the Son likewise love the people of the world by giving of their resources freely to help spread the Good News, and call all to return (teshuvah) back to HaShems way’s (Torah). 

You can help us reach the world with the message of HaShem's love and help us proclaim the good news that Messiah Y’shua died for their sins and HaShem and His Mashiach desires a personal relationship with them.

You are a part of sharing HaShem’s and His Messiah's love by giving freely from a heart of love. After all, we love Him because He first loved us! If you have not already, please consider becoming a Kingdom Partner or donating and partnering with CIAN Truth Ministries™ today.


Your donation allows us to connect people and truth, helping then to create partnerships around the world. CIAN Truth Ministries™ runs yearly ministerial projects and helps facilitate the kingdoms visions and partnered goals.

Click the Donate button below To get started!

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-Kingdom Partnership-

Kingdom Partners are active monthy partners of CIAN Truth Ministries™ in ministering to the needs both physically and spiritually of the orphaned, widowed, single mothers, and homeless. It is with There help CIAN Truth Ministries™ provide much needed resources and thousands of meals to the homeless on a yearly basis.

Click the Kingdom Partnership button below To get started!